Black Mountain Zen Centre

Mindfulness and the Twelve Steps
Venue:   Black Mountain Zen Centre

Day: Sundays

Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm (please arrive by 7:20pm for a prompt start at 7:30pm)

Type: Mindfulness and Recovery Group

Address: 64 Donegal street, Belfast

Other info: Frank has worked in the community care voluntary mental health sector for some twenty-five years and currently project manages a supported housing therapeutic community in the North West. Frank was the co-founding Director of the Belfast Mindfulness Centre. As an indigenous Belfast born practitioner he has been at the forefront of developing creative cross community mindfulness based initiatives to communities / groups traumatised by the Northern Ireland troubles. Frank studied mindfulness at the University of Wales and is a qualified integrative humanistic counsellor. Presently Frank teaches mindfulness through the life long learning programme at the Queen’s University of Belfast and has also successfully delivered experiential and practice-based training programmes to mental health and allied professionals working in psychiatry, nursing, social work and the criminal justice system.

Meeting format:
7:30pm – 8:00pm ~ Body scan
8:00pm – 8:20pm ~ Tea
8:20pm – 9:00pm ~ Step 11

Remember: Forgiveness is abandoning hope for a better past.

Contact: Frank Phone- 07976559958    Email-

Website(s)- – mindfulnessbelfast

An international directory of Buddhist Recovery Meetings can be found here.