Admirable Friends and Spiritual Fellowship
In many discourses, the Buddha spoke of the benefits of spiritual friends and wise companions. In one of these, the Meghiya Sutta, he speaks of one of these benefits: “hearing at will, easily and without difficulty, talk that is truly sobering and conducive to the opening of awareness.”
Joining a ‘recovery’ group of any type is an act of generosity and kindness both for yourself and for the other members of that group. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Buddhist community, a 12-Step Fellowship or a SMART group. As long as you can get and give support as appropriate.
If you decide to join – or even start – a Buddhist recovery group then you might also consider an occasional ‘retreat’ to refresh and energise your recovery and your practice.
In the ancient Buddhist texts, there is a conversation between the Buddha and his cousin and disciple Ānanda in which Ānanda enthusiastically declares,
"This is half of the spiritual life, lord: admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.‘ The Buddha replies: 'Don't say that, Ānanda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the spiritual life."
Recovery groups are:
For mutual support
For sustenance
For community
Related resources:
Buddhist-oriented retreats : Hungry Ghost Retreats (International)
Topics for contemplation & investigation : Spiritual Friendship (Kalyana-mittata)
Audio Link : Spiritual Friendship – a talk by Ajahn Succito (103:40)
Online talks and videos: for example:
Insight Meditation Centre :
Dharma Seeds :
Against the Stream :
Books, downloads and links :
Buddhist Retreat Centres in the UK and International
The Barn : (a gentle caring introduction to mindful living):
Gaia House : (for more experienced meditators):
London Insight : (short non-residential retreats):
Wat Thamkrabok Drug Treatment Center – Thailand
Official website :
Independent website : Thamkrabok-Assistance-and-Recovery-Advice
International Recovery Community – Thailand
New Life Foundation :
The following online talks are based on the Foundations of Waking Up:
- Truth, Karma and Commitment to Awakening (Sajja / Sacca)
- Generosity in Thoughts, Words and Actions (Dana)
- Living in Harmony: Ethics-Harmlessness-Blamelessness (Sila)
- Self-love, Self-compassion, Self-appreciation & Self-balance (Bramha-Viharas)
- Transgression & Forgiveness (Khama)
- Mindfulness & Meditation (Sati & Bhavana)
- Fellowship & Good Friends (Kalyana-Mitatta)
- OK – Where Do I Go Now? (Tales from the bumpy road… a summary of the journey so far)