Buddhist-oriented practices to support life after alcohol, drugs and other compulsions
Blessing of Awakening to Life After Alcohol, Drugs and Compulsions
From the curse of addiction comes the blessings of recovery.
There is life after drugs and alcohol – it’s a very good life.
Our many demons bring us many gifts if we are prepared to face them – don’t give up.
Recovery is infectious but so is relapse – choose your path and your companions carefully.
Recovery is a blank canvas – take advantage of the reality of non-self.
Recovery is a fertile field on which the seeds of future happiness are sown. The new shoots need gentle care and attention to grow to complete spiritual maturity.
The (recovery) journey of 1000 miles starts with the ground beneath your feet (Sajja / Intention).
Anyone new to Buddhist recovery might be said to have “don’t know mind” and anyone not quite there yet might be said to have “don’t know yet, mind”; but anyone still engaged in the delusion of addiction might be said to have “don’t want to know mind”.
Surrender and acceptance of things as they are is akin to recognising the First Ennobling Truth.
Whether we are addicts or not, we should remember the Buddha’s teaching that we can search the whole ten-fold Universe but still not find a single Being more deserving of our Loving-kindness than the one right here – yourself.