Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 28 July 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

I cried for you this morning
And I’ll cry for you again
But I’m not in charge of sorrow
So please don’t ask me when

Leonard Cohen [source: A Street]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

Janet, who will be our host, chose the topic.

All welcome.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 21 July 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Saint Paul the Apostle   [source: Ephesians 4:31]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic was chosen by Vince who will be our host.

All welcome.

BRN Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Wednesday, 17 July 2024

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

~ Jack Kornfield   [source: Buddha’s Little Instruction Book]

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
2:30 pm HST (eg Honolulu, Hawaii)
5:30 pm PDT (eg San Francisco/Vancouver)
6:30 pm MDT (eg Denver)
7:30 pm CDT (eg Chicago)
8:30 pm EDT (eg New York/Tampa)
Thursday, 18 July 2024
7:30 am ICT (eg Bangkok)
8:30 am AWST (eg Perth)
11:30 am AEST (eg Sydney)
1:30 pm NZST (eg Auckland)

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

or manually enter meeting ID 679 413 6360 and passcode ‘brn’.

The topic was chosen by Gary who will be our host.

All are welcome.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 14 July 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

This is the trick to staying well, isn’t it: to feel the sun even in the dark. To not lose the truth of things when they go out of view. To grow just the same……To know there is still peace, even when we are suffering.

Mark Nepo   [source: The Book of Awakening]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic was chosen by Janet who will be our host.

All welcome.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 30 June 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

When we stop resisting sadness—trying to sweeten it with phone calls, distractions, or pleasures—and just let ourselves feel it in all its heaviness, darkness, and pain, it disappears by itself, and even transforms into delight. 

David Edwards   [source: “Meditation in an Age of Cataclysms” – Tricycle Magazine – March 2023]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic was chosen by Vince, who will be our host.

All welcome.

BRN Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The worst part about anything that’s self-destructive is that it’s so intimate. You become so close with your addictions and illnesses that leaving them behind is like killing the part of yourself that taught you how to survive.”

~ Lacey L   [source: Attributed]

Wednesday, 19 June 2024
2:30 pm HST (eg Honolulu, Hawaii)
5:30 pm PDT (eg San Francisco/Vancouver)
6:30 pm MDT (eg Denver)
7:30 pm CDT (eg Chicago)
8:30 pm EDT (eg New York/Tampa)
Thursday, 20 June 2024
7:30 am ICT (eg Bangkok)
8:30 am AWST (eg Perth)
11:30 am AEST (eg Sydney)
1:30 pm NZST (eg Auckland)

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

or manually enter meeting ID 679 413 6360 and passcode ‘brn’.

The topic was chosen by Gary who will be our host.

All are welcome.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 16 June 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

There are those who do not realise
that one day we all must die.
But those who do realise this
settle their quarrels.

Buddha   [source: Dhammapada #6]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic was chosen by Vince who will be our host.

All welcome.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Sunday, 09 June 2024

10 am (US Pacific)
6 pm (UK/Ireland)

The more you extend kindness to yourself, the more it will become your automatic response to others.

Wayne Dyer   [source: You Are What You Think]

No registration is required. The meeting link is –

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic was chosen by Shaku who will be our host.

All welcome.