Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic ~ Mon 23 Oct 2023

The truth is that our suffering is optional. In life, pain and pleasure are given, but we create suffering for ourselves through our clinging to pleasure and aversion to pain.

~ Noah Levine [source: Against the Stream – A Buddhist Manual for Spiritual Revolutionaries]


No registration is required. The meeting link is:

You can connect manually with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom at:

9:00 am HST (eg Honolulu, Hawaii)

12:00 pm PDT (eg San Francisco/Vancouver)

1:00 pm MDT (eg Denver)

2:00 pm CDT (eg Chicago)

3:00 pm EDT (eg New York/Tampa)

8:00 pm BST (eg Dublin/London)

9:00 pm CEST (eg France)

9:00 pm CAT (eg Botswana)

10:00 pm EAT (eg Kenya)


2:00 am ICT (eg Bangkok)

6:00 am AEDT (eg Sydney)

8:00 am NZDT (eg Auckland)

This meeting’s topic was chosen by Gary, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

All are welcome.

Image Credit:  Noah Levine – Instagram