Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 08-10-2020

Open hand - non-grasping or clinging

Do everything with a mind that lets go.
Don’t accept praise or gain or anything else.
If you let go a little you a will have a little peace;
if you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace;
if you let go completely you will have complete peace.

~ Ajahn Chah


The meeting link is –

No registration required.

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Andrew, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Image taken at Hungry Ghost Retreat, April 2018, (New Life Foundation – Thailand) by Maroussia Mbaye and used with kind permission.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 05-10-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-01-10-2020


This is how a human being can change:
there’s a worm addicted to eating
grape leaves.
Suddenly he wakes up,
call it grace, whatever, something
wakes him, and he’s no longer
a worm.
He’s the entire vineyard,
and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks,
a growing wisdom and joy
that doesn’t need
to devour.

~ Coleman Barks, Translator, The Essential Rumi (San Fransico: Harper Collins, 1995)


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

No registration is needed.

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Filly, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 01-10-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-01-10-2020

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”

~ Steve Maraboli from his book ‘Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience’


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Jacob, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 28-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-28-09-2020

“In me there have always been two fools, among others, one asking nothing better than to stay where he is and the other imagining that life might be slightly less horrible further on.”

~ Samuel Beckett from his novel ‘Molloy’


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Beth, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 24-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-24-09-2020

“A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it…
In this way our life should be understood.
Then there is no problem.”

~ Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (quoting Dogen Zenji)


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Jessica, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 21-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-21-09-2020

“Non-surrender hardens your psychological form, the shell of the ego, and so creates a strong sense of separateness.”

~ Eckhart Tolle from his book ‘THE POWER OF NOW’


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Vince, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 17-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-17-09-2020

“The fancy chariots of kings wear out,
and this body too gets old.
But goodness never gets old:
so the true and good proclaim.”

Buddha to King Pasenadi (Old Age and Death (Jarāmaraṇa Sutta SN 3.3) translated by Bhikkhu Sujato)


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Kenny, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 14-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-14-09-2020

“He who having been heedless is heedless no more,
illuminates this world like the moon freed from the clouds.”

~ Dhammapada verse 172


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Patrick, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 10-09-2020

Fifth Precept Fellowship - Meditation and Mindfulness for Recovery from alcohol drugs and other addictions and compulsions - Sit and Share Meeting-14-09-2020

“Having found no companion
who has travelled at least as far as ourselves,
it is better to go alone
than to accompany those who remain irresolute.”

~ Dhammapada verse 61


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Jessica, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.

Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 07-09-2020

"The ego is a defence mechanism against childhood pain, unbearable pain. It always feels hurt, wants power and approval, capable of using other people to get what we need. The ego is what we build to replace our connection to ourselves (which is lost through trauma). Whenever we are upset, ego has taken over." ~ Gabor Maté

“The ego is a defence mechanism against childhood pain, unbearable pain. It always feels hurt, wants power and approval, capable of using other people to get what we need. The ego is what we build to replace our connection to ourselves (which is lost through trauma). Whenever we are upset, ego has taken over.”

~ Gabor Maté


#Sit-and-Share meeting link –

If you are asked for a password then please enter > 5ps

The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from 7:30 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time). This meeting’s topic was chosen by Jessica, who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.

PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm and close at or shortly after 9 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and after for conversation, connection and fellowship.

All welcome.

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’.