Imagine holding on to a hot burning coal. You would not fear letting go of it. In fact, once you noticed that you were holding on, you would probably drop it quickly. But we often do not recognize how we hold on to suffering. It seems to hold on to us. This is our practice: becoming aware of how suffering arises in our mind and of how we become identified with it, and learning to let it go. We learn through simple and direct observation, seeing the process over and over again until we understand.
~ Joseph Goldstein [source: Insight Meditation: A Psychology of Freedom]
MONDAY, July 05, 2021
No registration required. The meeting link is –
…alternatively, you can connect manually, with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.
The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from…
11:30 am PDT (eg San Francisco/Vancouver)
12:30 pm MDT (eg Denver)
1:30 pm CDT (eg Chicago)
2:30 pm EDT (eg New York/Tampa)
7:30 pm BST (eg Dublin/London)
8:30 pm CEST/CAT (eg France/Botswana)
9:30 pm EAT (eg Kenya)
…ready for a prompt start at the top of the hour. This meeting’s topic was chosen by Don, who will also be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.
PLEASE NOTE: The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 pm (UK/Ireland) and close at or before 9:15 pm but the Zoom meeting room will be open 30-minutes before and 15-minutes after for conversation, connection and fellowship.
All welcome.
Image – ‘Making Lava Rock’ – Wat Thamkrabok, Saraburi, Thailand