One of the greatest sins is the unlived life, not to allow yourself to become chief executive of the project you call your life, to have reverence always for the immensity that is inside you.
~ John O’Donohue [source: Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World (Walking on the Pastures of Wonder in Europe)]
THURSDAY, August 18, 2022
No registration is required. The meeting link is –
…alternatively, you can connect manually, with Zoom meeting ID 453 777 7699 and passcode ‘5ps‘.
The topic is for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Zoom from…
11:45 am PDT (eg San Francisco/Vancouver)
12:45 pm MDT (eg Denver)
1:45 pm CDT (eg Chicago)
2:45 pm EDT (eg New York/Tampa)
7:45 pm BST (eg Dublin/London)
8:45 pm CEST (eg France)
8:45 pm CAT (eg Botswana)
9:45 pm EAT (eg Kenya)
…ready for a prompt start at the top of the hour. This meeting’s topic was chosen by Noel who will be our ‘Sit-and-Share’ host.
All welcome.
Image – ‘Wild Garlic’ – Portumna, County Galway, Ireland – April 2020