Virtual Sit-and-Share Topic 30-04-2019

“As we change our own dysfunctional habits, we are simultaneously changing society.
Our own awakening is intertwined with the awakening of enlightened society.
If we can lose our personal appetite for aggression and addiction, the whole planet will rejoice.”

Pema Chödrön 
Taking the Leap : Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears [pages 98-99]

This is this week’s topic for contemplation, reflection and sharing at the online virtual ‘Sit-and-Share’ meditation meeting via Skype from 7:45 pm ready for a prompt start at 8 pm (UK time).

All welcome.

This week’s ‘Sit-and-Share’ host can be found here –

Please read ‘How to attend a Virtual Sit-and-Share meeting’ –

Closing dedication of Merit:

We dedicate the merits of this practice to all suffering beings.
May everyone be free of suffering, and the causes of suffering.
May everyone enjoy happiness, and the causes of happiness.
Keep sitting; and keep smiling.